This is a collection of clips from the video ” A closer look at watercolour techniques”. SEE THE WHOLE VIDEO with explanatory subtitles here: Here the artist shows how she continuously makes changes and corrections while working on one of her large watercolour paintings. The video includes: The use of different brushes, pens, pencils, ruler pens, colour shapers and sponges etc. Using masking fluid. Keeping control while using wet into wet techniques. Different ways of correcting. Softening transitions. Painting drops of water. See more paintings at
5 Replies to “A closer look at watercolour painting techniques. By Elizabeth Tyler”
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Unbelievable, absolutely stunning! Gives me goosebumps, you are very gifted. Thank you for sharing! Now can you teach us beginners how you did it :o)
Wow, beautiful and so realistic in the difficult medium of watercolour
i love all your work, you are an amazing artist,
Thank you Marigoldblu, I appreciate your positive feedbacks
This is so beautiful. I love watching you work. This awsome work made my day!.