Oil Painting Lesson – Wilson Bickford – Birch Trees

Here is a lesson in oil painting techniques for birch trees. Please toggle to full screen for maximum detail. For more information, please visit www.wilsonbickford.com Producesd by obsidiancv- http

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25 Replies to “Oil Painting Lesson – Wilson Bickford – Birch Trees”

  1. @wilsonbickford
    The clouds are now done :), it’s my first time painting with oil.

  2. @wrenkler
    I’ve actually heard from a few viewers who painted the birches on their wall as a mural! Here’s wishing you good luck with your project!

  3. great vid! Hope they will look good on my living room wall, I’m on it!! 🙂

  4. hey everyone!
    i just uploaded a video of an oil painting that took me 5 months to finish.i would like to get some feedback on it. so if everyone that reads this could check it out and let me know what you think it would help me out! the video is called — monumental oil painting- from start to finish. thanks everyone!

  5. I am absolutely hooked on your lessons. They are so helpful. Thanks so much for posting these…..

  6. thankyou so much, i hav an art project tomorrow and i wanna do birch trees so this rlly helped

  7. @chrisbass48
    Thanks for your interest. Yes, it can be adapted for Oils. The main difference is to use a white Oil based medium in place of the Acryilic White Gesso. The other thing is to let the background dry completely before rendering the animal subject. That’s it!

  8. @wilsonbickford Thanks Wilson. I just like the Metal easels better for some reason!

  9. @akoshy81
    I’ll keep those topics in mind for a future lesson. Thanks for watching!

  10. @SBPStudio
    This doesn’t seem to be a bad easel, but I only use it for filming my YouTube clips and Dvd’s. Mainly, because it’s easy to set up and collapse for storage, and it gives me the standing heighth I want. In my studio, I use the SHANNON EASEL made by Winsor/Newton. Much nicer, in my opinion. ( currently $102 at Dick Bilck )

  11. How do you like that easel? I just bought the same one at Aaron Brothers and that upper and bottom lip is drivin me nuts. How do you work with it? I just got it yesterday. Thinking about taking it back. You happy with yours?

  12. @annie11233 I’m not 100% certain on this issue. I’ve heard that if your work is signed and dated, it is “legal” as far as any “rights” are concerned. But, if I were you, I’d check with someone at the copryrights office.

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