A short sample from the full 55 Minutes long DVD available at www.paintingminiaturesdvdguide.com Video Description: The first video painting guide in the series is called Fundamental Techniques. Fundamental Techniques was designed especially for the new gamer or model painter and is highly recommended if you are just getting started. This video will take you step-by-step from effective clean-up of your miniature to dry brushing and highlighting. You will be taught an excellent foundation to approach all your models by, sequentially building your miniature painting techniques. Advanced techniques are also included in the video, such as making blades appear sharp, inking, highlighting, and furthering. Even experienced painters have commented on many of these techniques, saying that theyve never thought of approaching model painting in these ways. Simple time-saving techniques like two phase spray undercoat and countless other simple tips cant be found on forums and are crucial towards improving your painting.
www.boardsportsvideos.com SHORT DESCRIPTION: For over 20 years, Drew Brophy has been perfecting painting with water-based paint pens. As the world’s top surfboard artist, Drew has taught thousands of people how to paint with his techniques. Now, with this DVD by Seven Films, he can teach you, too. LONG DESCRIPTION: Seven Films announces the exciting release of Drew Brophy’s new tell-all DVD titled “Paint Pen Techniques with Drew Brophy.” What do surfboards, skateboards, guitars and shoes have in common? Drew Brophy has painted them all with water-based paint pens. And he shows you how in this new Do-It-Yourself DVD. For over 20 years, Drew Brophy has been perfecting painting with water-based paint pens. As the world’s top surfboard artist, Drew has taught thousands of people how to paint with his techniques. Now, with this DVD by Seven Films, he can teach you, too. “I expect to see an explosion of art on surfboards, skateboards, shoes — anything — following the release of this DVD” says Drew Brophy. “For years these techniques have been closely guarded secrets within a small community of artists. I hope that this DVD will inspire generations of young artists to customize their lives with their art and imagination!” Sponsors of the DVD include Converse, Sector 9, Surfline and Surfer Magazine. Drew shows, step-by-step, how anyone can paint using his techniques. In his easy to follow style, Drew covers creating unique compositions, preparing the surface, blending colors …