Rod & Denyse Simair, Crystalline Artists, share why they create Crystalline.
Oil Painting Techniques – your summary
A first for the web – and everywhere else. The Twelve painting techniques provided albeit in glimpses. (Please note this video uses practice boards to demonstrate the techniques – these boards are NOT actual paintings). If you want satisfaction with your art, you’ll need this toolbox. See at least briefly what the techniques are and what they do. Combine these techniques your way and you can create magic on your canvas and in your career. These are like musical scales to the composer, or ingredients for cooking, or the mechanics of an engine. You won’t get anywhere much without these in painting. Taken from our comprehensive Fine Art Techniques DVD Triple Pack. Available right now from our website. This is four hours of very detailed information for you, along with other requirements for an art career. The Triple Pack includes of course important information for the painting medium used in this youtube video, along with everything else. Distributors welcome. Teaching the techniques here is artist Robert Bosler, whose sales price so far has reached 000 AUD