Tibetan Group Oil Painting Paper Draft (Chen Danqing)
Painting Title: Tibetan Painting Group Draft
Artist: Chen Danqing
Painting type: Painting draft
Category: Sketch on paper
Size: 20*27cm
Created Year: 1980
Value: RMB 50,000 – 60,000 Yuan
Sold for: RMB 110,000 Yuan
Humanism emotions and personality power are main arts background of Chen Danqing art, which is a type of natural manifestation of himself’s emotional character, and was been soaked in his own experience, contains his deep understanding, compassion and respect for people who lived in the bottom of society. This type of humanistic sentiment and personality power have given glorious and noble significance to his oil painting works (praised by Deng Pinxiang).
“Tibetan Group Oil Paintings” were been recognized as a classic realistic landmark oil paining work after the Cultural Revolution, and had caused a large stir in Chinese artistic circles and literary circles, and has gained a wide range of concerns, comments, research and impact.
“Tibetan Group Oil Paintings” had thrown a great impact on the traditional creative model which had taken a prevalence for a long-term and was taken as a doctrine seriously at that time, it was been considered as a turning point of Chinese realistic oil paintings impacted by former Soviet to origin from European tradition. And his skillful realistic ability, as well as his deep grasp at European classical oil painting languages, all make viewers who indulged in traditional oil painting techniques admired much…
Origin: The collector bought this painting on the Jiade Auction.
About Artist Chen Danqing:
Chen Danqing was born in Shanghai in 1953, from 1970 to 1978 he was dispatched to countryside in southern Jiangxi and northern Jiangsu for rural labor exercising, during this term he self-studies painting.
In 1978 he was admitted to enter the oil painting department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts as the first postgraduate class after the Cultural Revolution in China; In 1980 after graduation he stayed in the school and acted as a teacher at the first studio of the oil painting department.
As early as 1980, Chen Danqing was become famous at home and abroad with his oil painting work “Tibet Group Paintings”, and become top ones in the Chinese oil painting artists. In early 80’s Chen Danqing was been taken for the most talented oil painting artist in China, and even until today, there are still exists a type of “Chen Danqing Complex” in Chinese Artists.
In 1982, Chen Danqing moved to New York as a free artist, and returned China in 2000 and accepted an invitation as a special appointed professor in the Tsinghua University, and acted as an appointed professor and PhD supervisor at the Fine Arts Academy at Tsinghua University, at the same time took charge of “Chen Danqing Studio”. In 2004 Chen Danqing resigned the duty of Professor at Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts.
* Original address of this oil painting article: Stupendous Art World with Chinese Excellent Oil Paintings
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