Two young artists now displaying their work at the Art Gallery seem to have taken these words to heart, and intend to prove their validity. Both Jacek Lydzba and Agnieszka Brzezanska paint subjects that could easily be classified as kitsch: Lydzba paints turn-of-the-century childhood fantasies, while Brzezanska concentrates on horses and sunsets.
Agnieszka Brzezanska treats her paint more gingerly than Lydzba, but not without strength. She lays down her bright, saturated colors in flat, geometric shapes, clearly defined at the edges, although sometimes she lets one broad stroke stand on its own.
About Agnieszka Brzezanska art work
Brzezanska’s work is easier to swallow. Her paintings of horses, forest clearings and sunsets are highly stylized and genuinely pretty. While her subject matter might be considered kitschy, her treatment of it is elegant, if not exactly innovative. Her style is reminiscent of Matisse, tribal art from the American southwest and Lascaux cave paintings. The horses are usually silhouetted against a lighter background, eclipsing most detail.
view Agnieszka Brzezanska’s painting
Agnieszka Brzezanska’s paintings show arrested narratives, self-contained motifs, every single one a very different story. Their intensity derives from a total concentration on one single mundane object, monumentalized to an alienating point like the gigantic black electricity pole in 800 MHZ against a white sky. exaltation up to an illuminated void. The motif gives rise to a range of interpretation: it could be a religious assembly, a political mass event, or a rave.
About Lydzba
Lydzba is somewhat more daring in his approach to kitschiness. His paintings recall illustrations from old books, when little boys were expected to respect the classics and keep their thoughts clean. He treats them without scorn, accepts them as his own. His mature painting technique helps him tread the thin line between serious art and childlike fantasy.
Thanks to their respectable techniques, both Lydzba and Brzezanska manage to rehash subjects long thought off limits to serious artists. All this raises one question. Americans forced the world to accept Pop Art. Will the Poles now inflict a new sentimentalism on it?
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View Agnieszka Brzezanska paintings, biography, solo exhibitions, group exhibitions and resource of Agnieszka Brzezanska artist.View art online at The Saatchi Gallery – London contemporary art gallery. Agnieszka Brzezanska