Oil Painting Techniques : How to Paint Roses on Oil Canvas

When painting roses on oil canvas, start with an undertone and use a model of rose, making sure to note that the petals of roses overlap. Find out how to add stems and leaves to paintings of roses with help from an artist in this free video on painting roses on oil canvas. Expert: Carlos Navarro Contact: www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/c/carlosnavarro Bio: Carlos Navarro is an artist and history teacher at Design and Architecture Senior High, in Miami, Fla., who was born in Havana, Cuba. Filmmaker: Paul Muller

10 Replies to “Oil Painting Techniques : How to Paint Roses on Oil Canvas”

  1. NO ART IS WRONG…Everyone has their own tastes and view on what is beautiful or what something should look like. Have you NEVER heard of Picaso?

  2. Hey man, if you want some respect don’t be such a narrow minded cunt.

    Peace 🙂

  3. hey man….if you want respect start with getting your hair washed/cut…….peace

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