Oil Painting Lesson – Wilson Bickford – Clouds

Here is a lesson in oil painting techniques for clouds. Please toggle to full screen for maximum detail. For more information, visit: www.wilsonbickford.com produced by obsidiancv – http

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25 Replies to “Oil Painting Lesson – Wilson Bickford – Clouds”

  1. thank you so much for posting this video. I have painted with acrylic for a little while and just now switching to oil. This video was a great help to me in terms of new techniques. I really appreciate it.

  2. hey everyone!
    i just uploaded a video of an oil painting that took me 5 months to finish.i would like to get some feedback on it. so if everyone that reads this could check it out and let me know what you think it would help me out! the video is called — monumental oil painting- from start to finish. thanks everyone!

  3. @christopherb786
    If you take the time to visit the “Art Classes” and Gallery” pages of my website, you’ll see that although certain ( many ) individuals have been influences, my work is MY work and not a clone of someone else’s. You tweak, change and mold techniques to fit your own style.

  4. thanks Wilson,I also got started painting watching videos my grandmother recorded of Helen Van Wyk and Alexander; and Bob Ross of course. Its always importiant to note the painters who have gotten us where we are today.

  5. I really appreciate your sharing your skills. It looks really great and I cant wait to try it.
    Thanks a lot!

  6. @christopherb786
    I’ve learned from many sources, both from watching other artists ( Bill Alexander, Bob Ross, Jerry Yarnell, Helen Van Wyk, etc. ) and from much practice and trial and error developing my own way of doing things. That’s how we all get started.

  7. @wilsonbickford

    Hello there…I was trying to do the same as you taught,But I didn’t get that purple that you mixed with the black to make a purplish grey.

    What that color again please(purple).I use Pebeo oil colors that’s why i get here in India.
    I made the base white with thinner and titanium white.

  8. here mar from portugal. the internet is fantastic you are fantastic. thank you so muck

  9. @SimlishSammy
    Just from my workshop experiences, I have to say that most people find Oils easier because of their “correctable” qualities and their slow drying time, which makes blending much easier.

  10. Beautiful.

    What is easier? Acrylic, or oil? I’m just a new painter and started (like last week) and I think I like both…anyway, it doesn’t matter.

  11. @MegaHamster666
    No, you’ll need a white oil base paint. You can make your own by using either mineral spirits ( paint thinner ) or a clear oil medium to thin down some tubed White Oil paint. Thin it just enough so that it can easily be scrubbed into the canvas.

  12. @merokeeman
    That’s great, I’m glad you enjoyed my lessons! I have about 25 posted in all on YouTube. “Search” my name to bring them ALL up for viewing.

  13. I’m 62 and disabled and just starting to oil paint as a hobby, a way to use my time productively and as a way to express myself. I really appreciate your sharing your skills, techniques and love for this art form via You Tube. I have found each lesson given extremely helpful and interesting. Its a great free resource for we who have limited incomes.

  14. Thanks! You really help me… I’ve allways had troubles with the clouds

  15. @MegaHamster666 If you are working with ‘oils’, you can make your own with titanium white diluted with linseed oil (very small amount).

  16. i dont have magic white paint will acrylic texture paste maybe work??

  17. that was fantastic mate, cheers but i am sorry i have no money so i will not be buying your book. But that was very informative, thank you.

  18. this video is really awsome
    i love oil painting
    thanks wilson bickford for giving us an idea of oil paintings
    please help us to do a simple portrait

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